
Monday, June 25, 2012

6 months old!

Who's 6 months old????? This guy!
He is one happy baby! He is so easy going.
Quick update:
He rolls.
Tummy sleeper. Sleeps 10 hours at night with a couple naps during the day.
Great eater! Nothing he doesn't like.
Weighs >16lbs
Wears 6-9 month clothing.
Sits independently and plays.
We are so lucky to have him and give thanks for him every day!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Our boys

This was completely unprompted... Love them so much!!!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Big boy

Reid has started solid foods and he loves it! He has also graduated to the big bath with Owen. They really enjoy it! They adore each other!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Minnesota weekend

We visited friends in Minnesota this weekend and had a fantastic time! Our kids are both within a couple months of each other. Owen and Brenden played so well together. It was sad to say goodbye but hopefully we will see them again soon!