
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Birthday Boys!

4 years old
2 years old
And a couple baby smiles.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Birthday Party and recent pictures

Our "super" family!
Flying supermen
Birthday cakes
Owen with his "birthday candles" at school.
Baby Smiles.

Picture with Santa.

Owen as "Santa"

Friday, November 29, 2013

October 2013

Happy Thanksgiving from our little butterball. He has turned into such a happy baby. He sleeps well and is starting to chat and smile.

Levi was baptized on 11/24 and we tried to get a picture of the boys and a family picture as well:

These are from their yearly pictures. They all did great and we got some fantastic pictures. 

Levi has changed so much already! He was only 3 weeks old when these were taken.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

We finally carved pumpkins on Tuesday night. Reid actually reached into the pumpkins and loved scooping out the inside. Owen wanted nothing to do with the inside, but loved drawing on the pumpkin and watching us carve the jack-o-lantern face. 

Our little bumble bee.

Owen chose to be Batman... it was a very tough decision because he loves EVERY superhero. Reid was dressed as a Minion from Despicable Me. He would not leave the goggles on so everyone just thought he was a farmer... that's fine too.

 We finally visited the pumpkin farm this year. It was only a week or so ago so we missed the warmer weather, but the big boys still had a fun time.
 Levi spent the whole time bundled up like this:

 Here are a couple random shots:
The big kids fell asleep in our bed one night... both sleeping the same way. So cute!

 Reid's first (and last, so far) night in his new Big Boy Bunk Bed. It is still more of a novelty than anything else, but we are working on it.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Starting school

Owen started Jr preschool in September. He loves it!
We visited Thomas the Train in Boone.
Homecoming was this weekend. The boys love football games. It's fun for them to run and play with their friends. The weather has been perfect!

Monday, July 15, 2013

June 2013

The boys are really playing together now. We have enjoyed lots of outdoor time.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Growing up

We took Owen to Sesame Street Live and had a backstage pass to meet a couple characters. Owen LOVED the whole day!
Reid is becoming a little boy more and more and really leaving "baby Reid" behind.

Monday, April 1, 2013


We have finally gotten outside on a few nice days! The boys have loved every minute of the outdoors. Easter was great. We are very lucky to have family so close by.