
Monday, June 21, 2010

Homemade Sweet Potatoes

First off, Owen had his 6 month check-up today... notice the band-aids, but still my happy lil guy!
He was 27.5 in (85%), 18.5 lbs (65%).
This was the face of sweet potato disgust. It started like this and didn't get any better. We'll try again tomorrow.
Onto the sweet potatoes: I decided to try and make my own, but I did have backup in the cupboard.
I started by baking the sweet potato...took longer than planned (about 80min...not 30-60). Then I used the food processor. This did not work. It would not puree it thin enough and I ended up with this:
So then I tried the blender...worked great! I pureed one sweet potato with 4 oz of milk and ended with this:

He still was not a fan, but as you can see I've got plenty to keep trying with for the next few days. Plus, now I feel ready to make other foods in the future. I also tried the store-bought version and he was not a fan of that either.
We have started brushing Owen's teeth since Dr. Megan says its time. He doesn't seem to mind it.
Finally, a video of O and sweet potatoes. Please notice the shudder and pure disgust. Don't mind the laughing of Ruth and I in the background.


  1. Oh funny! Good job making your own food! I'm sure he'll begin to enjoy them soon!!

  2. Super Baby Food is a great book as far as making your own baby food goes. There is a section in the back that goes through every fruit and veggie and tells you when you can start them, how to fix, etc. Its a poorly organized book, but I still love it and use it still!
    I agree, the blender does work best!
    Good luck, don't worry-he'll eat eventually!!! ;)
