
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Reid's surgery

We have had an interesting week. Reid woke on Monday morning with a large, red bump on his jaw line. We took him in and after testing/ultrasound discovered it was an abscess. We were admitted to the University Monday night. There were so many different doctors/residents with different opinions that we were never really sure what the plan was. Reid did have surgery on Tuesday and got to come home today (Thursday). We went through 3 IV sites and lots of poking and prodding but Reid is home and feeling much better.

Blogger for iPad won't let me arrange pictures but the one with the bib is from Monday morning. The one in monkey jammies is from tonight at home.


  1. Holy Cow! That's huge! I'm so glad it wasn't anything too serious, although I'm sure you've had your fair share of being scared and just plain feeling sorry for him. He's such a cutie, and it looks like he's handling it great!

  2. I'm glad Reid's doing okay! That was probably scary for you guys, but it looks like he was a little trooper! He's too cute in his little hospital gown!
