To date, Owen is 4 weeks old. I can't officially say he's "One Month Old" until Tuesday. He is a very content little guy and doens't complain about too many things. He is also growing like you couldn't imagaine. He was 7lbs at birth and at 4 weeks old tips the scale at a whopping 9lbs 6.5oz. What a healthy eater. I packed up his newborn clothes yesterday. Not only is he a chunky monkey but he's a long guy...just like his daddy. (Born at 21.5in).
Owen is generally a good sleeper but we do have a couple bad nights per week. I have been pretty worried that he has some reflux for the past 2 weeks. I took him to the doctor on Friday and we started him on Prilosec. Hopefully this helps otherwise he may have a milk protein allergy...leading him to switch to soy formula. Or he could just be a little colicy. It has been 48 hours since starting the Prilosec and our last 2 nights have been good so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Also, being stuck at home with hardly any sunshine has driven me to reading more. I picked up Baby Wise and have decided to start Owen on a more strict schedule. I do feel a little crazy though when I'm forcing his "full feedings" and waking up my sleeping baby so that we maintain his 3 hour eating schedule (daytime hours only, I let him sleep as long as he wants at night). Anyway, we have friends that swear by Baby Wise and we have friends that swear when you bring up Baby Wise so we will see how it works for us...wish me luck!
This past week Owen started taking bottles more often since I have finally started to get out of the house. Here are the Allen kids feeding Owen his bottle. I'm pretty sure Zoe would sit with him on her "yap" (lap) all day long if I let her... she is very mothering.
More to come as Owen grows and I figure out this blogging thing!
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