
Monday, March 22, 2010

Our Last Day

Our last day together before I went back to work went like this...
It started with a nice little nap on the couch, just Mommy and Owen.
Then, we had fountain pop with some friends.
Followed by some tummy time, which generally looks like this:
But today we got a little of this too.
After lunch we enjoyed the day with a walk.
And read a little People magazine.
And finally, great-grandma and great-grandpa Borcherding came to visit. Owen has pretty much doubled in size since the last time they visited!
Now how am I supposed to leave him...really


  1. Hope your first day back to work went okay!! Glad you enjoyed your time home...he is so cute!

  2. Going back is so hard, but you will settle in life will be great!! Find that happy medium between being both the professional and mom you want to be!! Good luck!
