
Friday, September 17, 2010

He's getting mobile

Owen is a super roller! He rolls everywhere, like a log. He also scoots backwards. He can get himself pretty much anywhere he wants to get.
He got himself under his jumparoo then out and found his diaper bag and pulled it into the middle of the dinning room. I just watched and took pictures.
He also got into the diaper basket. Again, I just stood and took pictures. He knee walks and scoots on his butt too. It's actually pretty funny to watch him get around.
He can get onto 1 knee but that other foot just gets stuck underneath his belly, but he eventually gets it out and then starts all over again. I'm sure its only a matter a few weeks until he's crawling. Yes, that is snot coming from his nose. Sorry. He was working really hard and the picture was more important to me than wiping his nose!
Enjoy! He stops once he notices the camera, but was playing some great music!

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