
Sunday, September 26, 2010

9 months

Our friend Ella came to play last Friday! The kids had a lot of fun together. Ella is just 2 months older than O and it was fun to see how much O will be moving in a few months! She was Wonderful and can come back ANYTIME!!!We went to the Raider home game last Friday as well. Owen scored a tootsie roll at the entrance and kept a pretty tight grip. He enjoyed small bites as well.O has finally started to really move. He goes from sitting to tummy to all 4s to crawling backwards and back to sitting. Now if he could just go forward. He scoots everywhere on his butt and has started to attempt to pull himself up. He can get one foot on the ground but not quite all the way up yet. Soon I'm sure.He perfers to stand at all times now. In other news: Owen has 2 more new teeth on the top which brings the total to 6!!! Jeepers, might as well just get him a steak! They are not all the way through yet, but are visible and palpable.Happy Fall

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