
Friday, February 19, 2010

Owen Update

Owen will be 8 weeks old tomorrow. I STILL can't believe how fast the time goes. He changes so much every day. His 2 month checkup is on Monday and I'm ready to see where he fits in with other babies his age. I know that he is getting close to 24in and I jumped in the scale with him last night....close to 13lbs!!! Above he is playing with his favorite toy. It is a stuffed zebra that was a gift from my cousin in South Africa. He LOVES it! He smiles at it, talks to it and will just stare at it for many minutes at a time.

This hat was a gift from Diane before the little guy was born. It is size "infant" but still too big. Hopefully his big head isn't too big for it this time next year.

Owen is still a super sleeper. He goes to bed sometime around 9 or 10 and wakes to eat around 5am. He eats a little, not much, and goes back to sleep within a half hour of waking. He then sleeps a couple more hours then we get up for the day and play. Around 12:30 he goes does for his nap and sleeps about 3 hours! I usually have to wake him from his nap to feed him and then he sleeps for another hour or so!!! The swing has become one of his favorite spots to sleep. He also loves to sleep in his vibrating chair. He doesn't care if they are "on" he just likes them. And he prefers to be all snugly with his blanket for naps.
We have friends coming from MN this weekend and can't wait to see them! They have a little guy about 8 months old so it will be fun to see the boys together.
Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. He is sooooo stinkin' cute! I think he has the same blanky as Bryce.... and Jenna has a pink one! They are so nice, cuddly and soft! :)
